
(1) I go to school by bus every day.

(2) You play the guitar in a band.

(3) She have two sisters.

(4) One of his parents live in Osaka.

(5) Everyone know about it.


(1) I read ten books every month.

(2) Tatsuya speaks English very well.

(3) This train goes to Tokyo.

(4) We run the Boston Marathon every year.

(5) We run the Boston Marathon every year.

【3】(  )内に適切な語を入れて、日本文に合う英文を完成させなさい。

(1) タツヤは毎朝コーヒーを飲む。
  Tatsuya (  ) coffee every morning.

(2) 私は週末に洗車する。
  I (  ) my car on weekends.

(3) 土曜日は学校はない。
  We (  ) (  ) (  ) to school on Saturdays.

(4) 彼の両親はどこに住んでいますか?
  Where (  ) his parents (  )?

(5) あなたはフランス語を勉強しません。
  You (  ) (  ) (  ) French.

一般動詞 解答