Cherie Power (Cher)
オーストラリアの名門・ニューサウスウェールズ大学を卒業後、英語の先生・翻訳家・編集者としても活躍中のCher! 出身国は?と聞かれると9つの国が当てはまるほど、家族で世界中を飛び回る生活をされてこられたというユニークな経歴の持ち主です。TEFLという世界共通の英語指導資格も保有しており、プラハ(チェコの首都)や日本で5年以上の先生の経験があります。非常にわかりやすい指導と、優しく生徒に寄り添える資質を持つ先生。現在は日本に住んでいるので日本の話題ももちろん、世界各国の文化や違いを知りたい方には特におすすめです!
趣味:旅行、歴史、博物館、映画、ポップカルチャー(Marvel, DC Comics, Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks)、テクノロジー、ガジェット(Motorola電話などユニークな機器)、社会問題、etc.
“Hi y’all! My name’s Cher. My parents are from Ireland and Singapore but we don’t have a hometown because we move constantly, so I’ve called 9 countries home so far.
I love traveling and getting lost in new cities – not only is it a fun adventure but you are guaranteed to find something cool and interesting that is not mentioned in travel guides! I also really adore movies, music, going to concerts, film and music festivals, and comic cons, winter, Christmas, Disney, museums and theme parks.
I’ve been teaching English as a Second Language for over 5 years now and I’ve taught in Singapore, Prague and now Japan. I also freelance as a transcriber, proofreader and writer. I graduated from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia and I received my TEFL certificate in Prague.
Come have a chat with me sometime! I look forward to meeting you through the diary exchange to hear about your own adventures, hobbies and interests!”
Travel, culture (history, museums), movies, pop culture (Marvel, DC Comics, Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks), technology and gadgets (unique inventions like the Motorola foldable phone), social issues