Alison Naomi Jeffrey
イギリス・ロンドン出身のAlison! イギリス人と日本人の両親を持ち、5歳まで大阪と川崎に住んでいたそう。その後はイギリスで育ちましたが、日本が好きでカムバック。英語講師の経験も長く、子供から大人まで幅広く指導してきた経験があります。クールな印象ですが、とても優しく暖かい方で、手厚い指導とアドバイスは生徒さんからも大好評です。イギリス英語を学びたい方、ヨガや自然、料理好きな方(料理のYouTubeが大好き)には特にオススメです!
趣味: 料理、カクテル(バーマネージャーの経験有)、podcasts、ヨガ、ハイキング、キャンプ、美術館(絵を描くのも好き)
“Hello everyone, I’m Alison. I’m half Japanese and half British. I was born in Osaka and lived in Kawasaki city until I was about 5 years old. From then, I moved to a countryside town near London, England. As an adult I decided that I much preferred living in Osaka compared to England. I have had various teaching jobs working with children of all ages and I now mainly teach adults. I even worked as a bar manager in Osaka for a while!
My favourite place is the kitchen. I’m always experimenting or looking at recipes to see what to make next! When I’m not cooking, I like to listen to podcasts, watch movies, do yoga, go shopping or go to the gym. I also love museums, art, hiking, music, history.. the list goes on! I would love to talk with you and help you improve your English skills!”
– Cooking and baking is my passion. I love to read cookbooks and watch cooking videos on YouTube/TV shows. I don’t like to follow recipes so I am constantly making my own recipes and experimenting. I also like to make cocktails and have three years of experience working in a bar as a bar manager/bartender in Osaka.
– In my free time, I like to listen to podcasts. I listen to science podcasts and also podcasts by comedians.
– I like to do yoga/power yoga every day and go to the gym. I recently started using a kettlebell and do HIIT workouts.
– I enjoy hiking and camping. Being in nature is important to me.
– Another hobby is visiting museums and art galleries. I love to visit natural history museums and I enjoy all kinds of art. Even painting/drawing pictures myself. I like to take sketchbooks with me to the park or sit on a bench and draw some beautiful architecture in the city.