
(1) Tatsuya wants to visit Arizona.  ( 名詞句 )

(2) The picture on the wall was painted by my sister.  ( 形容詞句 )

(3) I want to hang this picture on the wall ( 副詞句 )

(4) I think that summer is the best season for swimming.  ( 名詞節 )

(5) Tatsuya is the teacher who teaches us English.  ( 形容詞節 )

(6) Call me if you have time tomorrow( 副詞節 )

【2】次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように(   )に適語を入れなさい。

(1) As soon as he arrived at the library, he started studying.
  (    ) arriving at the library, he started studying.
 ( ( On ) arriving at the library, he started studying. )

(2) She became a doctor when she was 25.
  She became a doctor (    ) the age of 25.
 ( She became a doctor ( at ) the age of 25. )

(3) I know the girl playing the piano.
  I know the girl (    ) (    ) playing the piano.
 ( I know the girl ( who ) ( is ) playing the piano. )

(4) When I woke up, I found that I was late.
  I woke up (    ) (    ) that I was late.
 ( I woke up ( to ) ( find ) that I was late. )

(5) It is necessary that she should attend the meeting.
  It is necessary (    ) (    ) (    ) attend the meeting.
 ( It is necessary ( for ) ( her ) ( to ) attend the meeting. )

【3】 次の文に誤りがあれば直しなさい。

(1) This coffee is so hot that I can’t drink.
  ( This coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it. )

(2) I’m very excited about my picture was chosen.
  ( I’m very excited that my picture was chosen. )

(3) Do you know how to ride a horse?
  ( Do you know how to ride a horse? ( 誤りなし ) )

Next Quiz: 前置詞