【1】次の(    )に適切な疑問詞を入れなさい。

(1) あなたはどこに住んでいますか?
  (    ) do you live?
  ( ( Where ) do you live? )

(2) 今日は何曜日ですか?
  (    ) day is today?
  ( ( What ) day is it today? )

(3) どのくらいの時間がかかりますか?
  (    ) (    ) does it take?
  ( ( How ) ( long) does it take? )

(4) いつ病院に行くの?
  (    ) do you go to the hospital?
  ( ( When ) do you go to the hospital? )

(5) いくつキャンディーがほしいの?
  (    ) (    ) candies do you want?
  ( ( How) ( many ) candies do you want? )

(6) あれは誰のカバンですか?
  (    ) bag is that?
  ( ( Whose) bag is that? )

(7) あなたはどうやってここに来ましたか?
  (    ) did you come here?
  ( (How ) did you come here? )

(8) 昨日のお天気はどうでしたか?
  (    ) was the weather yesterday?
  ( ( How ) was the weather yesterday? )

(9) どちらの少女があなたの妹ですか?
  (    ) girl is your sister?
  ( ( Which) girl is your sister? )

(10) その本は誰によって書かれましたか?
  (    ) (    ) was the book written?
  ( ( By ) ( whom) was the book written? )

【2】 次の文の下線部が答えになるように疑問文を書きなさい。

(1) Tatsuya broke this window.
( Who broke this window? )

(2) I have five books.
( How many books do you have? )

(3) We play tennis in the park.
( Where do you play tennis? )

(4) Keiko studies English every day.
( How often does Keiko study English? )

(5) Chikayo teaches English.
( Who teaches English? )

(6) The CD is mine.
( Whose is this CD? )

(7) I have 10,000 yen right now.
 ( How much do you have now? )

(8) Lisa comes home soon.
( When does Lisa come home? )

(9) It is six o’clock now.
( What time is it now? )

(10) I like rock music.
 ( What kind of music do you like? )

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