Hello! 英会話のNEW・代表の岩崎です。
Good morning Lisa!When I was a high school student, I had always listened to the ABBA’s songs during a warm up of rhythmic gimnastics. I like the musics of ABBA. When the ‘Mamma mia!’ was on about ten years ago,so I went to see its musical twice. I liked the Madonna’s songs too. Now I feel very happy too, though I remember that. What kind of music do you like? I work near Osaka on Tuesday too!! 🙂 Have a great day! (83単語)
Good morning Lisa! When I was a high school student, I always listened to ABBA’s songs during warm ups for rhythmic gymnastics. I like ABBA’s music. When ‘Mamma mia!’ was on about ten years ago, I went to see its musical twice. I like Madonna’s songs too. Now I feel very happy too, as I remember those songs. What kind of music do you like? I work near Osaka on Tuesday too!! 😃 Have a great day!
Great work N. Good rhythm and natural tone. Please remember that ‘the’ is not needed in front of proper nouns. For example:
‘the Madonna’s’ = Incorrect
‘Madonna’s’ = Correct
Good evening N, Great to hear that! ABBA hey? They really were popular all over the world! I listen to all sorts of music! At the moment I love ‘alternative electronica and soul’. I’m going back to England for Christmas so I’ll go to some clubs with my friends then! I’m going to see the red leaves in Kyoto tomorrow! I love autumn! Have you ever seen the red leaves in Kyoto? My favorite temple is Genko-an. In Europe we do not have red leaves like in Japan. Instead we have very dark and cold nights. More dark and cold than Japan. 😔
Have a great Sunday!
Hi, Richard!
Our school is almost finished in this semester. I found that I loved teaching very much. Some students are good at English and study hard. Other students are not good at English, but they also try to study. I’m very happy when I see the attitude. I want to study and learn how to teach English more effectively, and I want them to feel achievement.
Unfortunately, they are a little lazy and they are not good at continuing a simple task like writing vocabularies ten times each. Haha.
How do you teach English in your school. I have 4 lessons for one class a week. But I don’t think I can manage them.
Hi, Richard!
This school semester is almost finished. I found that I love teaching very much. Some students are good at English and study hard. Other students are not good at English, but they also try to study. I’m very happy when I see their attitude. I want to study and learn how to teach English more effectively, and I want them to feel a sense of achievement.
Unfortunately, they are a little lazy and they are not good at continuing a simple task like writing vocabulary words ten times each. Haha.
How do you teach English in your school? I have 4 lessons a week for each class. But I don’t think I can manage them.
Thanks for the diaries, A! I’m sure you are doing an excellent job with your students, A, and I’m sure they love you as much as you love them. 😉 As for being lazy about vocabulary, it can’t be helped. Children will sometimes be lazy about doing work… adults, too! haha. My young students work very hard at vocabulary, actually, but some of my adult students have a hard time and complain a lot. When I study Korean or Japanese I make vocabulary my first priority, but lately maybe I’m like your students — a little lazy! 😉 Haha. But we need vocabulary first before we can do anything else. All of my classes are quite different, so I teach most of them differently, based on level, but in all of them I encourage the students to improve their vocabulary all the time. How do you memorize new words?
・it can’t be helped
・have a hard time (doing)
In the 3-day holiday, I also went to Sapporo because I wanted to visit a some place. The place is Shiroi Koibito Park where is the confectionery factory. The reason why I went to there is an inside of the factory. I heard that it is like a medieval castle so I should make sure that with my own eyes.
It took about 20 minutes from Sapporo station to there by bus. The factory is conducted by Ishiya confectionary company which is very famous for its langue de chat with white chocolate and its name of the cookie is Shiroi Koibito. This means “white lover” and I don’t know exact reason why the cookie has this name but I guess that a color of white reminds us snow on the land of Hokkaido.
(↓講師がナチュラルな英語に添削 + 緑字で解説)
During the 3-day holiday, I also went to Sapporo because I wanted to visit a certain place. (“Some” place can be any place, but “a certain place” is specific.)
The place is Shiroi Koibito Park, where there is a confectionery factory. The reason why I went there is to see the inside of the factory.
I heard that it is like a medieval castle, so I wanted to see it with my own eyes. (“Make sure” is similar to “confirm,” which isn’t usually used in this type of scenario.)
It took about 20 minutes from Sapporo station to there by bus. The factory is operated by Ishiya confectionery company which is very famous for its langue de chat with white chocolate and the name of its cookie is Shiroi Koibito. This means “white lover.” I don’t know the exact reason why the cookie has this name but I guess that the color of white reminds us of snow on the land of Hokkaido. (To be continued….)
(Good job, B! Be careful not to use “and” too much, or else your sentences can become too long and unnatural. It’s best to use it just once per sentence.)
Thank you so much for your reply, B! I’m glad to be able to continue reading about your stories.
If I ever go to Sapporo, I would love to visit that confectionery factory! I know Shiroi Koibito because it’s so popular! In Osaka, we have “Omosiroi Koibito,” which I heard caused quite a stir when it first appeared. Do you get any samples when you go there? Would you recommend visiting the factory?
I love Japanese sweets, especially the Western-style sweets and cookies. When I was young, my mother used to own a small Asian supermarket where she sold various Japanese snacks. That was when I was introduced to the Bourbon brand cookies and wafers. I’ve been hooked ever since. Japanese confectioneries are one of the reasons I never want to move back to the U.S.!
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